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Statement of Compliance with the Sustainability Principles Konfrut always follows good practices in sustainability, including those specified in the Capital Markets Board (“CMB”) Sustainability Principles Compliance Framework, and continues its operations by prioritizing a positive impact for everyone and the environment throughout the value chain. Operating with the vision of improving people’s lives through technology and sustainable practices and leading agricultural transformation by helping to protect the planet, Konfrut’s operations also serve the United Nations Development Goals. Aiming to pioneer green transformation with the principle of zero waste, the Company complies with the principles of equality, transparency, accountability, and responsibility with its sustainability approach.

With the publication of the CMB’s Communiqué No. II-17.1 (II-17.1.a) on Amendments to the Corporate Governance on October 2, 2020, the reporting of sustainability principles was included within the scope of the legislation, and the principle decision no. 34/977, dated June 23, 2022. The Company reports its activities’ environmental impacts and sustainability efforts and discloses them through the Public Disclosure Platform. The 2023 Sustainability Compliance Report is also included in the Konfrut 2023 Annual Report, and the Company will closely follow the developments and practices in the legislation and carry out the necessary work regarding compliance with sustainability principles and reporting in the future.

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